HoloKit App

HoloKit App
HoloKit App is the official app on [Apple App Store](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/holokit/id6444073276, which contains multiple demos to showcase HoloKit X.
This app is organized into distinct packages, where each reality is represented by a differenct package. The core of these packages is Holoi.Library.HoloKitApp
, which serves as the base package that all other reality packages depend on.
How To Create A New Reality
Before creating your new reality, first clone the project to your local disk and open it in Unity Editor. We strongly recommend building it on your iPhone initially to ensure compatibility. Once confirmed, you can proceed to add new realities to the project.
In this project's architecture, each reality is a package dependent on the Holoi.Library.HoloKitApp
base package. To create a new reality, you need to create a new reality package. We offers two ways to create a new reality package. You can either use the Reality Template Package Generator tool or do it manually.
For manual creation, we provide a template package to facilitate this. Duplicate the folder Packages/com.holoi.reality.reality-template
, renaming it to com.yuchen.reality.my-first-reality
. Of course you can rename this folder to whatever you like as long as it follows the naming rule.
For more details, visit the GitHub repository above.