

byBotao Amber Hu, Yuemin Huang, Mingze Chai, Yilan Tao, Xiaobo Aaron Hu


We present "Gravitational Field" (GravField) an experimental and participatory live performance set in a co-located mixed reality environment. Participants wearing AR headsets are invited to join and collectively create real-time music through their collaborative body movements, guided by the programmed settings from live-coders. This innovative experiment harnesses intercorporeal signals derived from participants' body movements, including factors like distance, area formation, relative height differences, and head motion synchronization. Live-coders dynamically map these signals into metaphorical audiovisual patterns in augmented reality, providing participants with cues about the relationships between players. The live-coded patterns shape and influence participants' improvisation of body movements, while adjustments in live coding dynamically alter how these movements generate sound, influencing the overall improvisational experience. In addition, spectators outside the live performance area can enjoy the mixed reality performance through projection screens and TVs, enhancing audience engagement. GravField aims to explore the vast potential of intercorporeal signals, creating a communicative, playful, and co-creative space where players' interconnected bodies become the instruments of expression.





















Media: Headworn AR

Technologies: HoloKit Headset, Unity3D, Multipeer Connectivity

Research Topics: Collocated Mixed Reality, Intercorporeality


Concept Designer: Botao Amber Hu

Concept Designer: Yuemin Huang

Interaction Designer: Botao Amber Hu

Sound Designer: Mingze Chai

Technical Artist: Xiaobo Aaron Hu

Project Assistant: Yilan Tao