On-chain Autonomous Life

byBotao Amber Hu

= this.title

By = this.authors

[!abstract] Description = this.description

[!info] Information Website: = this.website Media: = this.media Technologies: = this.techs Research Topics: = this.topics

[!Credits] Credits = map(this.credits, (x) => "<br/>" + x.role + ": " + x.person)

[!Example] Papers, Exhibitions, Reports, Workshops, Awards, Talks = this.papers > = this.exhibitions > = this.reports > = this.workshops > = this.awards > = this.talks

Open: Pasted image 20240211000915.png 5b50628dc0944a698468724b89cd861c_MD5.

Looks like the Sandwich bots contribute to most of the volume | Source: Glassnode's The Week Onchain - Week 31, 2023

Open: Pasted image 20240211003215.png e2a34d4fe82bf64ee5bf573ff06816fa_MD5.


Rem Rungu Lin, Botao Amber Hu, Koo Yongen Ke, Wei Wu, and Kang Zhang*. 2024. "Cell Space: Augmented Awareness of Intercorporeality". In Proceedings of the Conference and Exhibition on 2024 Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH ‘24). Art Paper.[→]


Media: Headworn AR

Technologies: HoloKit Headset, Unity3D, Multipeer Connectivity

Research Topics: Collocated Mixed Reality, Intercorporeality


Interaction Engineer: Botao Amber Hu

Interaction Designer: Botao Amber Hu

Interaction Designer: Yilan Tao