On-chain Autonomous Life
= this.title
By = this.authors
[!abstract] Description
= this.description
[!info] Information Website:
= this.website
Media:= this.media
Technologies:= this.techs
Research Topics:= this.topics
[!Credits] Credits
= map(this.credits, (x) => "<br/>" + x.role + ": " + x.person)
[!Example] Papers, Exhibitions, Reports, Workshops, Awards, Talks
= this.papers
>= this.exhibitions
>= this.reports
>= this.workshops
>= this.awards
>= this.talks
Open: Pasted image 20240211000915.png
Looks like the Sandwich bots contribute to most of the volume | Source: Glassnode's The Week Onchain - Week 31, 2023