Speculative Spatial Computing Design (CAA Fall 2024)

byBotao Amber Hu

Course Title

Speculative Spatial Computing Design -- Envisioning Entangled Realities

Course Abstract

This advanced undergraduate course explores the intersection of speculative design, experiential futures, and mixed reality technologies. Students will critically examine the ethical implications of emerging spatial computing paradigms and then create provocative mixed reality scenarios. Through a combination of theoretical study, hands-on prototyping, and creative development, students will envision and craft experiences that challenge our understanding of reality, interaction, and the future of digital-physical entanglement. The course culminates in the creation of an original mixed reality artifact, a public exhibition, and an academic paper suitable for submission to international conferences in the field.

思辨性空间计算设计 —— 构想交织的现实

课程简介: 本高级本科课程立足于推测性设计、体验性未来和混合现实技术的交叉领域,旨在培养学生在交织现实中的创新设计能力,并深入探讨其社会、伦理和哲学影响。"交织现实"这一核心概念贯穿整个课程,体现了混合现实技术对我们理解和体验现实的深远影响。 学生将批判性审视新兴空间计算范式的伦理影响,并创造富有挑战性的混合现实场景。课程通过理论研究、动手原型制作和创意开发相结合的方式,引导学生构想并打造挑战我们对现实及数字-物理纠缠未来理解的体验。 课程涵盖多个前沿主题,包括但不限于:推测性设计、空间计算、学术艺术、HoloKit开发、介导现实、身体与现象学、游戏与协议设计、隐私与心智理论、人工智能与来世、自主智能体与人工生命、世界构建以及空间性排版。 通过理论学习与实践工作坊的结合,学生将深入探索混合现实的技术应用、创意表达和伦理考量。课程的最终成果采用艺术品+论文形式,包括创作一到两件原创混合现实作品,并撰写一篇适合提交至该领域国际会议的学术论文(短文或长文),如SIGGRAPH、CHI、TEI、DIS、IUI、IMX、C&C、MM、VR等。 本课程特别适合那些致力于在国际会议和展览上发表作品,并具有一定英文学术写作能力的学生。通过这门课程,学生将获得在混合现实领域进行创新设计和学术研究的综合能力。


Course Information

  • Target Students: 3rd Year Design Undergraduates, China Academy of Art
  • Semester: Fall 2024

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Apply speculative design and experiential futures methodologies to spatial computing contexts
  2. Critically analyze ethical implications of mixed reality technologies
  3. Develop proficiency in prototyping and developing mixed reality experiences
  4. Articulate complex ideas through academic writing and artistic expression
  5. Create and exhibit an original mixed reality artifact
  6. Prepare a conference-ready academic paper

Weekly Schedule

Lecture 1: Speculative Design

  • Introduction to speculative design
  • Case studies in speculative design

Lecture 2: Spatial Computing

  • Overview of spatial computing technologies
  • Mixed Reality Media Theory
  • Case studies in Spatial Computing Design

Lecture 3: Academic Art

  • Intersection of academic research and artistic practice
  • Writing and presenting for academic art contexts

Lecture 4: HoloKit Software and Hardware Development

  • Introduction to HoloKit open-source platform
  • Hands-on development workshop

Lecture 5: Mediated Reality and Media Theory

  • Theoretical frameworks for understanding mediated reality
  • Media farm workshop (Interpreting and Speculating Media Art via LLM)

Lecture 6: Body and Bodies, and Phenomenology

  • Embodiment in mixed reality contexts
  • Introduction to Phenomenology
  • Contact improvisation workshop

Lecture 7: Play and Protocol Design

  • Overview of Play
  • Overview of Protocol Design
  • Designing playful protocols for speculative scenarios

Lecture 8: Privacy, Asymmetry and Theory of Mind

  • Ethical considerations in mixed reality
  • Cognitive aspects of multi-user mixed reality experiences

Lecture 9: AI and Afterlife

  • Speculative scenarios involving AI and digital persistence
  • Ethical implications of digital consciousness

Lecture 10: Autonomous Agents and Artificial Life

  • Designing autonomous entities in mixed reality
  • Emergence and complexity in artificial ecosystems

Lecture 11: World and Worlding

  • Theories of world-building in mixed reality
  • Practical workshop on creating coherent speculative worlds

Lecture 12: Spatial Typography

  • Typography in three-dimensional space
  • Information design for mixed reality environments

Assignments and Evaluation

  1. Paper Prototyping + Abstract (20%)
    • Due: Week 2
    • Create a low-fidelity prototype of your speculative mixed reality concept
  2. Final Artifact (30%)
    • Due: Week 11
    • Develop and present a functional mixed reality experience
  3. Academic Paper (30%)
    • Draft Due: Week 6
    • Due: Week 12
    • Write a 2000 to 4000-word paper suitable for submission to ISEA, SIGGRAPH, IMX, CHI, TEI, DIS, C&C, AHs, or VR conferences
  4. Final Submission Results (10%)
    • Due: Two weeks after course end
    • Provide proof of submission to at least one academic conference (not being desk rejected)
  5. Class Participation (10%)
    • Ongoing
    • Active engagement in discussions, workshops, and peer feedback sessions

Office Hours

Instructor will be available for 2 hours per week for individual consultations and project guidance. Schedule to be announced at the beginning of the semester.

Required Materials

  • HoloKit mixed reality development kit (https://holokit.io)
  • Mac and iPhone
  • Access to Unity3D or similar development environment
  • Academic journal access (provided by the university)